Wednesday, September 3, 2008

My toothless wonder

Easton's two front teeth have been loose for a couple of weeks now, but over the weekend he decided he had had enough. I love that they are both gone at the same time. Just in time for school pictures on Thursday. Claire is always happy to see me break out the camera, and flashed me a smile too. I will take all those sweet smiles that I can get.

1 comment:

Mimi said...

I love the missing teeth. I have been waiting to see what that would look like on you Easton. You are absolutely adorable. I see happiness in that smile. I see confidence in that smile. That makes me a very happy Mimi.

Thank You

Thank you so much to all of those people who have been such a huge blessing to us. We know that we would not be where we are today if it were not for you all. We are so blessed.
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