Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Well we went to see the surgeon again on Monday about the "lump" on Keaton's leg. He did not see any change and so he feels that he has no other choice but to remove it. He scheduled Keaton for surgery on Thursday morning. Keaton is aware of what is going on, and seems to be ok with it all. The "lump" will be sent to pathology and it could possibly be a week before we hear anything. I will update you on the surgery on Friday.

Here are a few of my favorite "Keaton" pictures from this week.


Leigh said...

Oh Heidi...I will keep you in my prayers. There is nothing like feeling a "lump" on your kid! It is terrifying!

Take care and "try" not to worry!

Dianna said...

Thinking of you this week!

Thank You

Thank you so much to all of those people who have been such a huge blessing to us. We know that we would not be where we are today if it were not for you all. We are so blessed.
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