Thursday, June 19, 2008

Do you believe in prayer?

As many of you know, about 3 weeks ago Keaton was diagnosed with a lump behind his right knee. Following an ultrasound, it was determined that the lump was not fluid filled but a solid mass. We were then sent on to a surgeon who felt he had no choice but to remove the mass and send it to pathology to find out what it was. So, today Keaton went in for surgery. It was a long hour, but everything went very well. The Dr. cut into Keaton's leg only to find that it was not a solid mass at all, it was an abscess. The Dr. is not sure what happened. The ultrasound 2 weeks ago clearly showed a solid mass. The surgeon was able to drain the lump, but because there was infection he had to place a "drain" in the incision. (that will be removed in the next few days, and the stitches will dissolve on their own) So here we are at home, bandaged up, but playing just fine. He is on some strong anti-biotics and may need some pain meds every few hours, but otherwise fairly normal. The nurses in recovery could not believe what a trooper he was. Not one tear ALL day long!

Garrett and I both would like to thank all of our friends and family who have been praying for Keaton this week. Many of you do not even "know" us, but lifted him up in prayer anyway. Thank you again. We do believe in the power of prayer!

Here are a couple pictures from the day, and one post-op popcicle picture!


Leigh said...

So amazing! Thanks for the update! I'm so happy for you and your little guy!

Prayer rocks!

Heather said...

So glad the surgery went smoothly at the bump is not serious. Claire looks so beautiful in her pictures.

Bob said...

So glad things turned out better than expected. Your kids are just precious!

Carla C

Jessica said...

That is fabulous news! Hope he is all healed up now!

Thank You

Thank you so much to all of those people who have been such a huge blessing to us. We know that we would not be where we are today if it were not for you all. We are so blessed.
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