Friday, March 7, 2008

Moving on for the weekend

So, No we did not hear ANYTHING this week in the way of adoption. NOTHING! Not a call from our agency, not a call from the embassy, NOTHING! With some frustration beyond belief, and disappointment like nothing I have ever felt, we are moving on for the weekend. We have other children at home who do not understand all of this. We are expecting a second G&R date next week when updates come in. And, here is what we are doing with that. We are going to Vietnam. Our second set of 60 days started at the beginning of Feb., meaning we "should" have our pre-approval by April. We are willing to take the chance. If we do not have our pre-approval by April, we have State Senators just waiting to get involved, as well as people in Washington, who have already contacted our family (at home) about our situation. At that point, we will have been waiting for our "60 day pre-approval" for 120 days. Enough is enough! There have been some mistakes made on our behalf, but the only one who is really suffering is Claire. She is almost 8 mths old, and she needs to be home with her family. Yes, we know that may mean that we have to be away from Easton and Keaton a little longer, but we have plan a,b,and c to cover that. They will not be without both parents for more than 2 weeks or so. If it comes to that, one of us will come home. It is also very possible that we will get our pre-approval before we go, and we won't have to worry about it. Let's pray for that!
I am just so ready to concentrate on Claire, and not what it takes to get Claire.
Like I said.............. we are moving on for the weekend. We have several fun activities planned for the boys, and the circus is in town! They love the circus, but for Garrett and I , not so much. It just seems so dirty, and dark and yuck. What do you expect when you bring in a bunch of smelly animals and expect them to do ridiculous tricks and stunts? Hopefully, you will not see us on the Today show Monday morning talking about our experience "running for our lives" from JoJo the elephant who snapped, because he refuses to wear sparkle shoes. He probably caught an episode of growing up Elephant on Animal planet, and realized some elephants do not wear clothes and do the Hokey Pokey. On that note (the circus), what about disposable clothing? Don't you ever walk out of those places feeling a desperate urge to take an immediate shower and to dispose of the clothing you are wearing, before entering your nice clean vehicle? All I can say about all of this is....oh, the things we do to make our children happy. The boys are at such fun ages, and we love to hang out with them. Our kids are our lives, and we would not have it any other way.


Nadra said...

Heidi...have a wonderful weekend. Enjoy the boys. We're praying for you guys!

lori said...

Hoping for your new G & R and approval next week. Let's bring Claire home!!

Julie said...

Enjoy your weekend with the boys. Hoping you have approval by your next G&R date.

Dianna said...

I think of you and your family every day. Praying for a miracle for you!

And good luck with the circus. Anna LOVES the circus and it's not my thing either :)

Bob said...

It sounds like you have lots planned this weekend, but I know your precious daughter is always on your mind, too. Best wishes to you and your family (and the elephants with sparkly shoes!) for a fun time at the circus!

Carla C

Jessica Johnston-Myers said...

Here's hoping that the elephants don't go on a rampage while you are there.

It's very brave of you to plan on heading to VN without the I600, but if I were in your situation I know I would do the same.

Lots of prayers are being said for you. Keep us posted on your progress!

Leigh said...

I appreciate your proactive stance. I do pray everything falls into place very quickly for your family. I totally agree, enough is ENOUGH! I tell people all the time that international adoption is an emotional rollercoaster like NO other!

LOL on your perception of the circus! Funny, it is the people at the circus that scare me!

Take Care!

Thank You

Thank you so much to all of those people who have been such a huge blessing to us. We know that we would not be where we are today if it were not for you all. We are so blessed.
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