Tuesday, July 15, 2008

catching up

Well it has been awhile since I posted last. We had some new flooring put in our basement and had a couple of rooms painted, so we have had to have our computer unplugged and shoved to the side for a few days. Now that we are up and running again, I am going to try to catch everyone up on life for us right now.
Keaton is a ball of fun, and had his last ball game last night. He was so excited to hit the ball all the way to the grass! At his age that is wonderful. He made it all the way to third base! He is feeling great following his surgery and only has a small scar. Easton is still playing ball, but we are nearing the end. We have had a fun season this year and he has really enjoyed it. We found out that he got the teacher he wanted for next year. He is really excited to move to 1st grade. (I for one am going to miss kindergarten). Claire is so much fun! She had a birthday this last Sunday(13). We had a great family day. We did her baby dedication at church and almost all of our family was able to make it. My brother and sister and their families were able to attend as well as many of Garrett's family. After church we went to our local authentic Vietnamese restaurant. Everyone seemed to enjoy what they ordered, so we will try to make it a tradition (sorry Mike). We are having Claire's birthday party for family and friends this Sat. I will post some pictures of that when I can.
We saw Dr. Vo yesterday for Claire's well baby check up. She is still doing great, and is the healthiest of all my kids. She still weighs 18 pounds, but is now almost up to 28 inches tall. We will see Dr. Vo again next month for a weight check. (Claire has only gained 1oz in 4 mths) Dr. Vo is not too concerned because Claire eats so well, and is very active. We will continue on with formula for now, and hope that we will be able to turn her car seat around in the near future.
Garrett and I are enjoying the summer with the kids. Garrett has been taking the boys to the pool every morning, and they have been loving it. We have gone to Silver Dollar City a couple of times, and we are hitting White Water later this week. It's hard to believe that Garrett goes back to school in a couple of weeks.

I want to say thank you to everyone who e-mailed "Happy Birthday" to Claire. I saved them all. She sure is a well loved baby!

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Thank You

Thank you so much to all of those people who have been such a huge blessing to us. We know that we would not be where we are today if it were not for you all. We are so blessed.
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